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Kim Hunter

 My name is Tito David Peña Montenegro. I am a Research Professional in the Joye Research Group. My research explores the integration of -omics data in the context of biogeochemistry signals to better understand changes in marine microbiomes from extreme environments. My studies have focused on the study of oil spills in agricultural lands as well as oil spills in marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico. On-going projects aim to extend these analyses to larger-scale contrasts involving sediments, hydrothermal vents, and brines, with a particular focus on the interactions between oil degradation, microbial hydrocarbon oxidation, and elemental cycling.

Ryan Sibert

My name is Ryan Sibert and I'm a Research Scientist in the Joye Research Group. My research explores the anaerobic biogeochemistry of freshwater lakes, marine sediments, hydrothermal vents, and brines, with a particular focus on the interactions between microbial hydrocarbon oxidation (e.g. methane, naphthalene and hexadecane), and elemental cycling (e.g. S and Fe). My current research explores the impact of microbial methane cycling on the long-term sequestration of carbon (i.e. "Blue Carbon") in coastal ecosystems. I am keenly interested in marine technology and instrumentations and the application of marine technology to advance ocean discovery.