Closing in

Closing in

Happy Memorial Day.  Today we’ve been trying to trace the deepwater plume as close as possible to the leaking wellhead.  Finally, after about 14 hours of searching and 5 unsuccessful CTD casts, we closed in on the source of the plume.  After a very long day, we finally have this feature well constrained.  We found more visible oil in the deepwater today – at different sites from yesterday – which increases our confidence in this finding.

Day three in the city of ships

Day three in the city of ships

Today we saw some new things around the area. A fleet of skimmer ships was doing a surface burn to reduce the size of an oil slick. We were a couple of miles away from the burn but the large cloud of black smoke caught everyone’s eye. I’m still amazed by the ‘city of ships’ around the spill site. The rigs drilling the relief wells and the ‘siphon’ ship (large ship to the left in photo), as well as many support vessels are visible in this shot.